FireRoad Life: A blog for all things food, health, fitness and the planet -- the plant-based life.

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal: Worry Less About Carb Counting and More about Getting Carbs that Count 

By:- Kristen Sunstrum, RD

Carbohydrates, otherwise known as “carbs”, often get a bad rap in the nutrition, wellness and fitness space. Despite the undeniable health benefits of following a whole food, plant-based diet [1] and their importance to athletic performance [2], the demonization of carbohydrates has people debating on whether they should swap out...

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Nutrients for a Plant-based Performance Diet: A Mini Crash-course!

By:- Kristen Sunstrum, RD

A plant-based diet may be powerful, but it is not always fail-proof in covering all your nutrient requirements. As such, nutrition experts agree that the key to achieving a performance plant-based diet comes down to education and planning to optimize your athletic performance and well-being.   In this article, you will...

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Five Best Plant-based Protein Sources for Performance Nutrition

By:- Kristen Sunstrum, RD

Protein is the building block for life - literally.  This essential macronutrient goes beyond muscle protein synthesis (the fancy word for muscle repair and growth), and helps to support neurotransmitter production, red blood cell synthesis and even helps keep you warm at night [1, 2].  If you don’t consume enough...

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